Translation services are available - call (802) 728-4466 for further details

Primary Care Referrals

Clara Martin welcomes referrals from our local primary care providers. To make a referral, please complete our primary care referral form  and fax to:

In the Randolph area: 802-728-4197
In the Bradford area: 802-222-3242
In the Wilder area: 802-295-1312

If you would like to talk to our Access Specialist team as well, please call:

In the Randolph area: 802-728-4466
In the Bradford area: 802-222-4477
In the Wilder area: 802-295-1311

Once the Clara Martin Center makes contact with the client, the Same Day Access Clinician will contact the primary care provider if additional information is needed and Clara Martin will follow up once services are scheduled with the client.