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Legal Resources

Legal Services VT
Providing a wide range of civil (not criminal) legal services to Vermonter.  We are also the first point of contact for Vermonters who would like help from Vermont Legal Aid. We screen all incoming requests for help. If we can help with a legal problem, we refer clients to either Vermont Legal Aid or Legal Services Vermont lawyers and advocates. We also refer clients to other programs.

Orange County Court Diversion
Court Diversion is a restorative alternative to the State’s court system.  The program is available for both youth charged by the State’s Attorney with a juvenile delinquency or adults charged with a crime. 

South Royalton Legal Clinic

The South Royalton Legal Clinic (SRLC) serves Vermont residents* who are unable to afford counsel and who need assistance with issues such as bankruptcy, children’s rights, domestic violence, housing, family-based immigration, family law, landlord/tenant, social security disability, wills and now veterans issues.

State’s Attorneys
The Department of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs seeks justice in the prosecution of criminal offenses, child abuse and neglect cases, juvenile delinquencies, mental health proceedings and some other civil matters.

Vermont Lawyer Referral
When you need a lawyer for your case or legal question. No more than $25 charged for the first half-hour of consultation.

Vermont Legal Aid
Vermont Legal Aid is where individuals and families turn when they face a civil legal problem that threatens their rights, shelter, job, health or well-being.

Law Enforcement:

Addison County Sheriff’s Department
Services include Prisoner Transport, Civil Process, County Patrols, Job Application - Finger Printing, and more.

Barre Police
The Barre Police provide the best available protection for our residents, businesses, and properties.

Bradford Police Department
The Bradford Police Department provides public safety services through a philosophy of purpose driven policing, with the understanding that their actions will help prevent crimes, solve problems, and create a safe environment for all who live, work, and visit the community.

Randolph Police Department
It is the mission of the Randolph Police Department to foster a partnership between the community and police by maintaining a safe, peaceful, and positive environment.

Orange County Sheriff’s Department
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office provides superior public safety and service, in an ethical and fiscally responsible manner, while preserving the rights of all individuals.

State of Vermont Police
The Vermont State Police is a full-service law enforcement agency that provides primary law enforcement services to approximately 200 towns.

Washington County Sheriff's Department
The Office preforms its statutory functions of transporting prisoners, mental health workers and juveniles as well as serving civil process. The Office is also responsible for security at Criminal, Family, and the Civil Divisions in Washington County, as well as Supreme Court.

Windsor County Sheriff