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Consumer and Family Service Award

Crystal and Robert

Robert Turner
2017 Recipient

Clara Martin Center’s CSP Case Manager, Crystal Irish presented Robert Turner with the 2017 Consumer and Family Service Award in recognition of his devotion to fellow community members and mental health advocacy work. Irish said “Robert is someone who is always willing to lend a helping hand whether it is someone who needs help moving, or cutting fire wood. Not only is Robert willing to get his hands dirty to help out others, he is a strong mental health advocate, who is always willing to listen and be a person of support when he sees that someone is struggling.” Robert provides peer support during groups at Merry Meadow Farm in Bradford, and in the past year he completed the In Our Own Voice training from NAMI VT and has been doing presentations around the state addressing mental health stereotypes and discussing the realities of living with a mental illness.


Marilyn and Nancy

Marilyn Bay
2016 Recipient

Clara Martin Center’s CSP Case Manager, Nancy Duranleau presented Marilyn Bay with the 2016 Consumer and Family Service Award. Bay is a community member at the Randolph House, an apartment complex for the elderly and disabled in Randolph. According to Duranleau, Bay runs many shopping errands in town for the elderly who are home bound. She watches over them, making sure that meals are delivered and that they have enough food. She also will notify other social agencies when she notices elderly neighbors in need. “I think she is the unsung hero for many of the tenants at the Randolph house.” Duranleau said.